Gooner Program (Cod.1489)

12 minutos con sonido.

It’s time to make you understand that your life is a fucking mess.

You need to realize that you must obey my instructions in order to make your life better.

I will control your mind and decide when you can touch your cock

This is the best program for Gooners!

When you finish the program, I promise you will be the best Gooner I have ever met.

These are the rules

– One week without watching porn and without pumping your cock

– After a week without pumping your cock, connect all of your devices, including your phone, computer, and television, to porn at the same time.

– Wherever you look, you will be surrounded by porn videos, you will not be able to see anything else.

Pump like a real Gooner.

Train to be the best Gooner.

Yes, try it; I want you to be the best of my Gooners.

Your goal will be to become the most useful Gooner.

Every day for a month, you have to repeat the Marathon Gooner.

Until you can send tributes with one hand and pump with the other hand at the same time


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